Find My Own Way | Lana Del Rey |

Find My Own Way

Testo Find My Own Way

Snow is coming down like rain
I‘m at it myself again
A little tired, even more confused
Come on, baby, don‘t be shy
You can say what make you high
I‘ll see the way you‘ll be lying, be abused

I don‘t need anybody when I‘m down
I don‘t really find it hard to get around
I‘ll find my own way back to town
Oh, no, you tell me how I need to be
That ain‘t up to anybody else but me
I don‘t care what you think

Breathing, getting fire to them
Now I‘ll start my worrying
When will I learn that there ain‘t nothing I can do
Jesus was a dying man
If he can‘t do it, no one can
When will you learn that we ain‘t nothing without you

We don‘t need anybody when we‘re down
We don‘t really find it hard to get around
We‘ll find our own way back to town
Oh, no, you tell me how I need to be
That ain‘t up to anybody else but me
We don‘t, we don‘t care what you think

I don‘t need anybody when I‘m down
I don‘t really find it hard to get around
I‘ll find my own way back to town
Oh, no, you tell me how I need to be
That ain‘t up to anybody else but me
And I don‘t care what you think

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